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Christian Science Reading Room
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Christian Science Church, Folsom CA
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Our church is currently conducting hybrid services which means our services are both on-site and on zoom. Sunday church services and Sunday School are held at 10 am and our Wednesday night testimony meetings are at 7pm. If you wish to attend either of these services on zoom, here are the instructions:

1) If you are using a computer, tablet, or smartphone, and want to see the visuals in addition to listening, please click the link below: (password: church13)

2) If you do not have other access, and/or just want to listen to the service, call this number using your preferred telephone:


then enter this ID when prompted:

879 8203 7900

then enter this password:


We hope you can join us for our on-site or online services!

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a message on the church phone or email us at

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Folsom, California
Sunday Service 10 am ~ Wed Eve Testimony Meeting 7 pm
Sunday School 10 am ~ Reading Room Sat 11 am - 2 pm